Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Thought’s on Early Childhood Care

ECED 420 – Planning and Administering Early Childhood Program

Aloha Everyone!

“Thank you!” I just wanted to take this opportunity to say how this course (ECED 420) and everyone’s (fellow classmates and Dr. Iorio) thoughts and opinion open my eyes on to early childhood care. It’s funny that among teachers we tend to blame each other if a student is not achieving his/her level of education.

For example, I have friends who are teachers in Secondary Education (7th – 12th graders) who blames elementary teachers (me) for not doing our jobs in teaching and preparing those students for high school level of education. Taking this course open my eyes to this, it is so important for children to be enrolled in early childhood care. Early childhood care is the foundation to every child education. Early childhood care prepares them to basic level of learning and understanding. Children who don’t attend early childhood care will have a difficult time in learning. Don’t get me wrong children will still learn but it will just take them a little longer.

Teachers in early childhood care, in elementary education, in secondary education, and to college level education, we all need to work together and recognize what roles we play as teachers. We need to support early childhood care because it’s the foundation for every child education.

So my hat goes off to all the people who works in early childhood care, from administrations to the teachers “Keep up with the good work!”

Everyone, have a safe and wonderful Christmas holidays and God bless you all!

Peace & Aloha,

Mr. Gary

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Planning and Administering Early Childhood Program

Financing and Budgeting

Chapter 7 / Planning and Administering Early Childhood Program

Aloha Everyone!

“Money Talks!” While reading this chapter I realize that money talks. As teachers how can I say to the parents of my students that I can’t help your child because I’m not getting paid enough, there are no programs here to help your child because there is no funding, and I don’t have the time to teach your child because I just don’t have the “time!” due to furlough Fridays.

This chapter got me thinking “What will happen to me once I become a full time teacher with HI- D.O.E.?” What role will I play?, what role does our government play?, and how can our government help out in our education system? Regarding out government, here is what this chapter said:

“The government contributes to low-quality care when its agencies impost payment at market rate (i.e., subsidies are capped at levels determined by what families with average incomes are supposed willing to pay) for child care services or fail to provide higher reimbursement for higher quality care. Generally speaking, governmental agencies use estimated cash costs to determine what they will pay for services, and thus, to some degree, circularity results. In other words, because agencies pay a certain number of dollars, program designers plan their programs on the basis of expected amounts of money. If funded the first year, program designers write a similar program the next year in hopes of being refunded. Thus, the agency pays approximately the same amount again and the cycle continues. The program is thus designed around a specific dollar value whether or not it makes for the “best” program.”

“WOW!” Are you kidding me? There is got to be another way raise funds without jeopardizing quality teachers and good programs. I would run some kind of fundraising events at least once a month, like Cars wash, Huli Huli Chicken, Bake sales, and small carnival on the weekend on school ground. I would definitely do something or get involved to rise some funding for my school programs.

Marketing Your Child Care and Education Program

Chapter 8 / Planning and Administering Early Childhood Program

Why is marketing so important to your childhood care center? Marketing helps the center explain what it can provide for the children in the community.

“According to the American Marketing Association (2207), Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. In other words, marketing encompasses much more than advertisement (contrary to popular perception). It includes deciding on the type of product you will offer, deciding what consumer (client) you will target (market segmentation strategy), identifying that client’s needs and desires, and then designing and refining your product to meet the needs of your client.”

If I was in charge of marketing for a childhood care center, I would start with a marketing plan:

1. Student’s specific needs.

2. How a program might be designed to meet the need?

3. How each program wills admission the service to the student?

4. How much the parents might be willing to pay for their child service?

5. Who the competitors are?

6. How to design our child care center to be different from other childcare center?

7. And, last naming the early childhood center were the community can identify it.

This is how I would market my Early Childhood Center. ;-D